lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

Descanso en el Algarve-Portugal.

Hemos estado descansando unos días en el Algarve, mis oufift son muy cómodos ya que nos recorrimos todo el Algarve de punta a punta, merece la pena tienes unos pueblos tranquilos con unas playas de arena fina dorada entre acantilados, el ambiente que se respira es de tranquilidad aunque las calles de los pueblos estén llenas de turistas, me ha dado mucha pena que se terminaran tan pronto, caxis pero volveré al Algarve.
We have been resting a few days in the Algarve, my oufift are very comfortable since we us crossed the whole Algarve of top to top, it is worth it you have a few calm villages with a few beaches of thin sand gilded between cliffs, the environment that is breathed it is of tranquility though the streets of the peoples are full of tourists, has given me great a sorrow that they were finishing so soon, caxis but I will return to the Algarve


1 comentario:

  1. Me encanta la espalda de tu vestido LWD

    Besos chipless by Dave Aiman
